Topic: recognition 

Awards of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic given to Hedvig Tamman and Liisa Rätsep
The Young Scientist Award was given to Associate Professor in Genetics Hedvig Tamman and the Young IT Scientist Award to Head of Applied Natural Language Processing Liisa Rätsep.
09. May 2024 researchrecognition 
Ülo Mander was elected as member of the Academy of Sciences in global change
At an annual meeting of the general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Ülo Mander was elected as a member of the academy in the field of global change.
18. April 2024 researchrecognition 
Teachers’ course “United by Space” received a special prize from Andras
The Association of Estonian Adult Educators Andras gave the Tartu county education deed award of the year to the UT Tartu Observatory and the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Estonia’s continuing education course for teachers “United by Space”. The best adult educators of Tartu county 2023 were awarded at the appreciation event for the educators of the city and county of Tartu in the University of Tartu assembly hall on 28 September.
12. October 2023 recognition 
Risk and Resilience Research Group of the University of Tartu won the ENLIGHT Impact Award in digital revolution
At the ENLIGHT’s Impact Conference held in Spain from 30 to 31 March, the Impact Award in digital revolution went to Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability Kati Orru and her research team.