Topic: for society

Researchers teach Estonian language and culture to language models
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudi eestvedamisel hakatakse treenima vabavaralisi keelemudeleid kõnelema senisest ladusamat eesti keelt ja mõistma paremini eesti kultuuri, et hoida ja kaitsta tehisintellekti kiire arengu tingimustes eesti keelt ning luua eestlaste jaoks hõlpsasti kasutatavaid rakendusi.
Estonia's experience in restoring damaged ecosystems inspires experts worldwide
SERE2024, an international conference focusing on ecological restoration, was held in Tartu last week.
02. September 2024 researchfor society
The exhibition “Missing” sheds light on the dark side of biodiversity – the extinction of species
On Friday, 23 August, at 17:00, the art exhibition “Missing” will open at the Tartu Art House, displaying contemporary artworks made from 40-million-year-old bones.
21. August 2024 Tartu2024for society
University of Tartu launches initiative to improve safety of autonomous heavy machinery
An international team of researchers and entrepreneurs, led by the Uni of Tartu, is starting to develop AI-based solutions that will enable self-driving heavy vehicles to operate safely in difficult conditions.
University of Tartu will be home to the Estonian Cancer Centre
The Estonian Cancer Centre will be established within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu to accelerate cancer prevention and treatment in Estonia through international cooperation. 
15. July 2024 cooperationfor society
Karl Kruusamäe paves the way for human-robot collaboration full of possibilities
Karl Kruusamäe is fascinated by science at the frontiers of human knowledge: anything is possible. In his work, he is committed to developing collaboration between humans and robotics.
Estonian Biobank launched a portal for more than 210,000 biobank participants
On 11 June, the Estonian Biobank, University of Tartu, launched the portal MinuGeenivaramu.
12. June 2024 researchfor society
Mobile big data has great potential for human mobility research and spatial planning
From June 11 to 14, the international conference and doctoral school Mobile Tartu 2024 will take place in Tartu.
10. June 2024 researchfor society
Watch recording: urban space conference: Where the Sidewalk Ends
On 18 October, the University of Tartu Library will host the urban space conference "Where the Sidewalk Ends".
Learner of Estonian as a second language: we cannot learn without you
According to the latest census, 243 languages are spoken as mother tongues in Estonia, so we have a lot of people who speak Estonian as a second language.