Topic: research

Just Transition Forum envisions the future of Ida-Viru county, discussing sustainable industry, the self-learning factory and flexible labour market
On 14 November, the Just Transition Forum “From smart shrinkage to sustainable large-scale industry. Visions for the future of Ida-Viru” will be held at the Narva College.
04. November 2024 cooperationresearchfor society
Five international doctoral students from the University of Tartu to participate in the English-edition gala of the Estonian Academy of Sciences' competition “Science in 3 minutes”
On Friday, 18 October, starting at 18:00, the final gala of the Estonian Academy of Sciences' English-language competition “Science in 3 minutes” will take place.
15. October 2024 research
Ways to accelerate hydrogen technology investments and applications are sought at the University of Tartu’s Hydrogen Day
On October 18th, the University of Tartu's eighth Hydrogen Day will focus on finding opportunities to accelerate investments and applications in hydrogen technology. The event can be followed on Zoom.
Building competencies for transdisciplinary collaboration
On 20-21 November, a short course on building competences for transdisciplinary collaboration will be held at the University of Tartu Library.
09. October 2024 research
Doctoral students presented inspiring research stories at the three-minute thesis competition
The competition’s best short lectures focused on innovation in medicine, ancient dental calculus, the theological currents among the Estonian clergy, and six-dimensional imaging.
03. October 2024 research
Tuul Sepp gives inaugural lecture on the impact of anthropogenic environmental change on animal health
22 October, at 16:15, the Professor in Animal Ecology Tuul Sepp will deliver her inaugural lecture "Effects of anthropogenic environmental change on animal health and mitigation possibilities"
18. October 2024 research
Why does plastic decompose so slowly compared to biomolecules?
Why does an apple decompose in nature, but a plastic bag remains for hundreds of years? The answer comes from Darja Lavõgina, Associate Professor of Bioorganic Chemistry at the University of Tartu.
02. October 2024 open scienceresearch
Exhibition of top Estonian scientists opens in Brussels
Brüsselis avatud näitusel tutvustatakse Eesti teadlasi, kes on pälvinud Euroopa Teadusnõukogu grandi. Näitusel saab lugeda ka Tartu Ülikooli üheteistkümne silmapaistva teadlase ERC projektist.
01. October 2024 research
Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
25. September 2024 for studentresearchfor society
WATCH RECORDING! Building bridges between science and society. Why and how to do cross-disciplinary research?
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.